C# Tutorial – Create a Street Fighter Game Demo in Windows Forms and Visual Studio

Welcome to the Street Fighter Demo Tutorial.  In this tutorial we will be making a small DEMO of the street fighter game using C#. There are a lot of techniques to use inside of this demo however I am really proud on how it turned out in the end. We used everything we have learned so far from the paint event series on MOO ICT and applying to make a simple demo of using RYU as the main character for this DEMO. In this demo we will be using multiple backgrounds and GIF images while making the animation interactive and responsive to the user inputs. All of the elements you see in this demo will be created from scratch. We are not using third party extensions, frameworks or games engine such as Unity, GODOT or Unreal to create this tutorial, everything will be done in the Windows Forms and with C# programming. Windows Forms template as we know is not made for something like this but by making it do something like this is an accomplishment. It will help any learner to hone in their game development skills. That’s because we manually creating all of the elements for this game and also we are going to go deep into the theory behind making it all work together step by step.

Note – All of the images used in this tutorial is owned By CAPCOM. We are simply using them to display the potential of making a DEMO using Windows Forms and C#. This project is not meant for commercial purposes and only meant to be used for Education.

Lesson Objectives –

  1. Create a simple street fighter demo using windows form and C#
  2. Load background images dynamically and change them using the X key on the keyboard
  3. Load the animated images of the player and move player back and forward in the screen
  4. Limit the player movement to the boundaries of the form
  5. Move the background when the player is moving back and forth
  6. Assign light punch, heavy punch and fireball effects for the player
  7. Instantiate the fireball with the animation
  8. Allow collision detection between the player and the drum in windows form
  9. Create custom functions, loops and selection statements to make the game
  10. Create custom function to check collision between the drum and the player also the fireball and the player
  11. Count the frame rates in the GIF images through C# and detect collision when the punch happens in the game
  12. Count the frames in the GIF to spawn the fireball when the player is ready
  13. and a lot more.


Video Tutorial



Download Street Fighter DEMO Images for this Tutorial
Get C# Street Fighter Game DEMO on GitHub

Full Source Code –

Please follow the video tutorial, as we will be jumping back and forth between functions to see how the DEMO properly works for this type of application. The source code below can be used as a reference for the project. Have fun.

using System.Drawing.Imaging;

// create by MOO ICT 2023
// create for Educational Purposes only

namespace Street_Fighter_Demo_MOO_ICT
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        Image player;
        Image background;
        Image drum;
        Image fireball;

        int playerX = 0;
        int playerY = 300;

        int drumX = 450;
        int drumY = 335;

        int fireballX;
        int fireballY;

        int drumMoveTime = 0;
        int actionStrength = 0;
        int endFrame = 0;
        int backgroundPosition = 0;
        int totalFrame = 0;
        int bg_number = 0;

        float num;

        bool goLeft, goRight;
        bool directionPressed;
        bool playingAction;
        bool shotFireBall;

        List<string> background_images = new List<string>();

        public Form1()

        private void KeyIsDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left && !directionPressed)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right && !directionPressed)

        private void KeyIsUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.X)
                if (bg_number < background_images.Count - 1)
                    bg_number = 0;
                background = Image.FromFile(background_images[bg_number]);
                backgroundPosition = 0;
                drumMoveTime = 0;
                drumX = 300;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right || e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)
                goLeft = false;
                goRight = false;
                directionPressed = false;

            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A && !playingAction && !goLeft && !goRight)
                SetPlayerAction("punch2.gif", 2);
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.S && !playingAction && !goLeft && !goRight)
                SetPlayerAction("punch1.gif", 5);
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D && !playingAction && !goLeft && !goRight && !shotFireBall)
                SetPlayerAction("fireball.gif", 30);


        private void FormPaintEvent(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(background, new Point(backgroundPosition, 0));
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(player, new Point(playerX, playerY));
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(drum, new Point(drumX, drumY));

            if (shotFireBall)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(fireball, new Point(fireballX, fireballY));


        private void GameTimerEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (playingAction)
                if (num < totalFrame)
                    num += 0.5f;
            if (num == totalFrame)

            // fireball instructions for the time. 

            if (shotFireBall)
                fireballX += 10;

            if (fireballX > this.ClientSize.Width)
                shotFireBall = false;

            if (!shotFireBall && num > endFrame && drumMoveTime == 0 && actionStrength == 30)

            if (drumMoveTime > 0)
                drumX += 10;
                drum = Image.FromFile("hitdrum.png");
                drum = Image.FromFile("drum.png");
                drumMoveTime = 0;

            if (drumX > this.ClientSize.Width)
                drumMoveTime = 0;
                drumX = 300;


        private void SetUpForm()
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

            background_images = Directory.GetFiles("background", "*.jpg").ToList();
            background = Image.FromFile(background_images[bg_number]);
            player = Image.FromFile("standing.gif");
            drum = Image.FromFile("drum.png");


        private void SetUpAnimation()
            ImageAnimator.Animate(player, this.OnFrameChangedHandler);
            FrameDimension dimentions = new FrameDimension(player.FrameDimensionsList[0]);
            totalFrame = player.GetFrameCount(dimentions);
            endFrame = totalFrame - 3;

        private void OnFrameChangedHandler(object? sender, EventArgs e)

        private void MovePlayerandBackground()
            if (goLeft)
                if (playerX > 0)
                    playerX -= 6;

                if (backgroundPosition < 0 && playerX < 100)
                    backgroundPosition += 5;
                    drumX += 5;

            if (goRight)
                if (playerX + player.Width < this.ClientSize.Width)
                    playerX += 6;

                if (backgroundPosition + background.Width > this.ClientSize.Width + 5 && playerX > 650)
                    backgroundPosition -= 5;
                    drumX -= 5;


        private void MovePlayerAnimation(string direction)
            if (direction == "left")
                goLeft = true;
                player = Image.FromFile("backwards.gif");
            if (direction == "right")
                goRight = true;
                player = Image.FromFile("forwards.gif");

            directionPressed = true;
            playingAction = false;

        private void ResetPlayer()
            player = Image.FromFile("standing.gif");
            num = 0;
            playingAction = false;


        private void SetPlayerAction(string animation, int strength)
            player = Image.FromFile(animation);
            actionStrength = strength;
            playingAction = true;

        private void ShootFireball()
            fireball = Image.FromFile("FireBallFinal.gif");
            ImageAnimator.Animate(fireball, this.OnFrameChangedHandler);
            fireballX = playerX + player.Width - 50;
            fireballY = playerY - 33;
            shotFireBall = true;

        private void CheckPunchHit()
            bool collision = DetectCollision(playerX, playerY, player.Width, player.Height, drumX, drumY, drum.Width, drum.Height);

            if (collision && playingAction && num > endFrame)
                drumMoveTime = actionStrength;

        private void CheckFireballHit()
            bool collision = DetectCollision(fireballX, fireballY, fireball.Width, fireball.Height, drumX, drumY, drum.Width, drum.Height);

            if (collision)
                drumMoveTime = actionStrength;
                shotFireBall = false;


        private bool DetectCollision(int object1X, int object1Y, int object1Width, int object1Height, int object2X, int object2Y, int object2Width, int object2Height)
            if (object1X + object1Width <= object2X || object1X >= object2X + object2Width || object1Y + object1Height <= object2Y || object1Y >= object2Y + object2Height)
                return false;
                return true;




2 responses to “C# Tutorial – Create a Street Fighter Game Demo in Windows Forms and Visual Studio”

  1. Vincenzo Luciano says:

    Great work Sir,

    is there a hope to continue this fantastic game?

  2. MOO ICT says:

    Thank you for the comment. This project is meant as a Demo for this type of game. I might elaborate on this in the future, stay tuned.